Hey There!
I am Jenn Kerfeld- owner of Jenn Kerfeld Photography. When I was in my senior year of high school, I remember going to have my senior photos taken. It was an experience that I will never forget. I knew that was what I wanted to do for others too. So I pursued a career in photography.
My husband Matt and I live near Melrose with our 2 kids. Our daughter Hannah is 8 and loves to learn any chance she can. William is our youngest, who is 6 and enjoying Kindergarten. How does time go so fast? One thing I can say for certain is that we haven't missed one moment in capturing our children's lives through portraits. They are beautifully displayed in our home for us to enjoy for years. We also have several books that the kids pull out and look through often. I love watching them look through, ask questions and hearing them talk about it. Like, "Mom how come William isn't in these pictures" That is always a fun question to answer, that usually leads to more fun questions! haha
After having children you realize that time goes so much faster than you can ever anticipate. My way of making sure that those moments I love are not forgotten, is to capture them and display them through portraits and display as artwork and albums. Matt always tells me that our home looks like a gallery, I agree and I love it!!
Every picture tells that story. The one where Hannah is holding her little finger up like a 1 during our family photo shoot. It helps me remember that she used to do that all the time, "One" she would say, because she was 1. We would get so excited with her. I also love when the kids can see themselves on the wall. It was just a short time ago when William, looked at me and said "Mom, do you remember that time I made a silly face, like this, and then I made another silly face like this" I said "Oh buddy I don't remember, you make a lot of silly faces." He said, "Mom, like that one over there", it melted my heart when I saw that he was talking about the silly face collage we have displayed in his room. It matters to children to see themselves on the wall, it gives them confidence and they feel special. I see it everyday in our kids.
I would love to be able to be a part of your story. Helping you tell it, remember it and loving it for many years to come.

Hi! I am Dayna.
I have been working with Jenn since 2016. In 2011, I started my education in the Professional Photography Program at Ridgewater College in Willmar, MN. When I graduated from the program with my associates degree, I was eager to kick off my photography career. After working in the field for two years, I decided to expand my knowledge and added a graphic design degree to my resume in 2016.
At the studio, you will find me at the computer digitally processing images, putting together orders at the production center, assisting you at the viewing desk to help create your dream order, every once in a while you will see me behind the camera photographing. Sometimes Jenn and I will both be working with you during your photography session to ensure that we capture each moment you deserve.
Ever since I was a little girl and my parents gifted me my first camera for Christmas, I knew I wanted to be a part of this industry in some sort of way. I have always enjoyed pushing my creative side to capture moments and process the images into beautiful heirloom art pieces. I have found a career that allows me to get excited over beautiful light and process images on software that I can digitally design on all day. Throughout the past 15 years in the industry, my passion for photography has grown and changed. I still love capturing moments and designing, but I have found that my motivation and passion strives solely from building new friendships with clients and helping them find those pieces of art they can display in their home and look back on with a smile filled with love and pride for their life and family.
My husband Nate and I are blessed with 3 beautiful littles. River (10), Nicole (4), and Jacob (1/2)